The data here were extracted from the following freely available National Elevation Datasets and other sources. They are based on ground level sources that are not affected by tops of trees or buildings. They include full, continuous coverage of the Alps and Pyrenees, and have been resampled to 1" from the sources below.
USA 1/3" USGS topographic DEM
Canada 3/4" CDED topographic DEM
Greenland and Antarctica 8-10m Arctic and REMA DEM from Polar Geospatial Centre and similar sources. They are more accurate than the previous 3" topographic datasets, especially in coastal affected by melting ice.
Norway, Finland, Denmark 10m NED
Sweden 50m NED
Russia (north west) 100K topos
England and Wales about 70% from 2m Lidar data, remainder from 25K topos
Scotland 25K topos
Ireland 10m NED in north, 50K topos in south
France, Spain 5m LiDAR NED; some input from 25K topos in border areas. Portugal not covered
Germany SH, Niedersachsen, Hessen, BW, MP - 25K topos; Bavaria 50K DEM, RLP and Thuringia 25K DEM; hi-res LiDAR elsewhere
Italy Piemonte, Aosta, Lombardia, Veneto, Friuli, Liguria, 5m or better provincial; 10m TinItaly elsewhere
Austria 10m NED
Switzerland mostly 2m canton data but some input from 10K and 25K topos
Czechia 10K topos, incomplete coverage
Poland, Slovenia, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg 1m LIDAR NED (numerous small voids in NL)
Slovakia 10m NED
Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia 25K topographic map sourced coverage north of latitude 44
Romania 25K topographic map sourced coverage west of longitude 27
Hungary low resolution 25K topographic map sourced part coverage, mostly west of longtude 18
Other countries, including the Baltic states, are not yet covered
It is my intention to add to the areas covered.
Jonathan de Ferranti
Scotland, December 2022
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